I took these videos with only two practice swings. I did hit some balls over the two weeks prior into a net in the dining room at Dutch Hollow CC using my GolfAchiever launch monitor as a guide as to what my ball was doing. The launch monitor is an invaluable tool for indoor winter practice because you get a real read as to what you are doing with your golf club and to what your golf ball is doing after it leaves the club face. The monitor software draws a picture of your shot on your computer screen and tells you how far it went in real terms, and how high it went and how far off line it went. So I have been working on my mechanics a little, but more important I am working on how my setup influences my  timing, posture, balance and rhythm. I am working on finding a natural way to swing the club where tension and doubt are gone. These two moves are pretty representative of what I am trying to do. Like I said, I only took two practice swings then did these two videos on two successive takes. I like my posture and balance as I swing the club through to a good impact and follow through position. Both these swings were really solid. I am impacting into a solid left side as the club stays on plane and releases. Release is the key here because it has always been a tough thing for me to accomplish because of back and upper leg stiffness. I don’t want to analyze this to death but keeping my right arm closer to my right side at the proper angle to allow more freedom during the swing has been a real key to consistency. It helps get the club square at the top and leads to many shots that go in the same direction with a real consistency in club head speed, which by the way is increasing with each session with the GolfAchiever.


Two driver swings

February 5, 2010

Target side strong driver swings from the back and front view.