My setup continues with most of my weight on my left side, due to my knee injury and most of all due to the proven quality and consistency of my really good iron shots. If you play the video, you can see the ball start and continue on a line straight with the target line shaft placed on the ground behind the ball. This shot in particular carried 190 paces. My right foot is pulled back a little due to the weight on the left side at address, however my shoulders are now squared and my eye-line is now looking straight at the target. The thing I like about this shot is the full, free release of the club head at and through impact. You can actually see the ball flight, which is the true barometer of any golf shot.


6 iron video Target side Strong

March 16, 2009

My left knee bends slightly at the top of the backswing, and the golf club is pointed straight down the target line at the top position. My left hip starts to fire a split second before the beginning of the downswing. This is key with weight left or Target Side Strong. Get the left hip out of the way to allow for the hands and arms to drop into the slot and fully release the club in the proper direction, which happens here if you stop the frame at or just past impact. My head is still and behind the ball. My left knee has straightened and I have posted against the left side while staying connected (the golf club is still in front of me at impact). The club shaft stays on plane through impact and into the follow through position while the ball continues its straight flight in line with the target line established at address. The swing finishes with a good balanced follow through, albeit there is a little “hitch” at the end. My right root is off the ground the right side has fully fired through the shot while my spine angle finishes in a nice vertical position, taking all the pressure off my back, and allowing for my weight and energy to be fully released into the golf shot.