Watch what the left arm, forearms, and hands are doing with regards to the release of the club head through impact. You can hear the click of impact and watch the release of the club as the hands, wrists, and forearms supinate or turn over through impact. It goes back to the old fundamental. I have learned to swing the golf club a thousand different ways, but no matter how you choose to move your body, you still have to pronate and supinate to get the club face moving into and through the golf ball and to get the ball moving in the right direction with intent, impetus and force. You still have to stay connected as we have discussed on this website. Drag the little transparent ball back and forth to see the video in slow motion. It is almost as if the left arm and (its components) stop for a split second as the forearms rotate or supinate through impact and release. Practice the small version of this move and see immediate results once you understand this fundamental. I do this in my backyard where this video was taken for hours on end with a sand wedge. Just repeating the proper rotation of forearms, hands writs and body in the proper sequence as the ball just flies off the face time after time after time. If you can feel it in the small version it will be easily translated into all your shots.

A magic move FOR HITTING BETTER SHOTS (Nothing new under the sun)

November 1, 2010