The setup is the same as with the 6 iron; so is the basic swing motion. On this swing I concentrated on getting the hips moving freer and faster through the shot. the result was a long draw with a very good trajectory. That is my scoring drive when I am playing well. If you play the video you will see many similarities between the 6 iron and the driver swing, which is what I am trying to accomplish. In this video, you can really see the CONNECTION PRINCIPLE in action. My take away and backswing keep the club in front of my chest until my shoulders stop turning.



March 16, 2009

Then the club continues on plane to the top of the backswing building energy and torque, without any fundamental breakdown. The downswing begins with a firing of the left hip which begins to turn the rest of my torso. My arms start down and when they get to the point where they left my chest on the backswing my chest once again picks up the motion and keeps the CONNECTION PRINCIPLE in tact at and through impact and into the follow through. this move apparently is becoming more native to my golf swing after four years of practice and paying attention. the club head is released through impact in a free motion and the momentum of the swing takes me into a good turn and full follow through. I am not aware of any of the moves as I concentrate so much now on the setup, and like the fact that my chest and core muscles are able to coordinate themselves in a fluid move through out the entire swing process. It is really really evident in this swing that my torso is swinging the golf club.

What I cannot figure out is why my right index finger is off the grip through the entire swing.